Saturday, June 26, 2010


A new spanking operating system for all the i-mobile devices. Unfortunately my singular i-device is not so spanking new, so I won't enjoy all that goodness it promises.

First step. Upgrading.

Now one would think updating, means clicking "Update" and just waiting for the deed to be done. Well technically it is just like that, except the process seem to stop at "wait", and wait and wait and wait.

I hate iTunes actually, yes hate, it doesn't like me either, but  frankly there is NO other choice. So I plugged in my second generation iPod Touch to iMac and to iTunes. Faithfully I sync-ed the device, backed up, downloaded the new OS and clicked Update.

Backing up iPod. Hey I just did that.
Wait wait wait w...a....i....t....w..........a...............i......................t
Anticipated this wait after reading everyone else's attempt to upgrade.

Clicked Stop. Clicked backup from options menu. Done. Click Update.
Backing up iPod. What the F!!!. Wait.wait.wait.wait.wa....i..............t

On the phone with my personal hacker. (No, I don't jailbreak, the good boy I am)
Do a restore. Restore? doesn't that just puts the old stuff back? Do a restore. Yes Sir.

Restoring. The restoration process apparently wipes out your i-device and puts the latest OS available in iTunes on your machine. Then you have the luxury of putting everything precious back or starting fresh.
One would think that logically restoring means the device is not working and lets go back to when it was working. Apparently iTunes logic is different.

Restoring data. Time to completion 4 minutes. 10 minutes. 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19.... WTF. Shouldn't it be counting down?

Time to completion About an hour. How clever, basically saying "Don't bother staring, come later. MUCH later".

Finally it restored the device, and re-synced all the apps and stuff. Hey, got my iPod back, washed and buffed. And it took about an hour, a bit more than an hour.
It now works.

Moral of the story: Update updates not. Restore restores update. It just works.

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